Improving and Protecting the Little Red

In May of 2020, the banks of the Little Red River played host to 70 people digging holes and planting eggs – Cutthroat Trout eggs, to be exact! Now as we enter 2022, we’re inching closer to seeing the fruits of their labor: a new species of fish in our local channel, contributing to the beauty, variety, and enjoyment of the river. 

The Cutthroat egg project is just one way the Little Red River Foundation is partnering with local organizations and outdoor enthusiasts to continuously improve the enjoyment and safety of the river. Their recent clean-up efforts –in partnership with Fly Fishermen and Trout Unlimited -- created a process for people to be able to report broken and loose docks for repair and removal, going beyond a one-time clean up and paving the way to continuously care for the ecosystem. 

Ozark Angler is proud to partner with the Little Red River Foundation for two upcoming initiatives focused on the safety of our fellow Little Red fishing enthusiasts: Cleaning up wade access points and developing a service to provide real-time alerts when the Corp of Engineers will be releasing water.  

Our wade access points project will focus on basic safety repairs such as improving stability of structures and fixing stairs and railings. The real-time reporting system will provide more time for people fishing and kayaking to move to higher ground (or out of the water) when water is released. If you’ve been on the river when the water levels rise due to Corp of Engineers work, you know how quickly that flood comes! We are passionate about seeing this safety measure put in place, and we’re thankful for the work being done at the Little Red River Foundation to make it happen!  

For more info on the Little Red River Foundation (and how you can take part in their efforts), visit: